Bulk or Cut?

What's best for you right now?

Results Below...

How to get your results...

Book your free 15-min audit

Where we will run through your answers and help you make the best decision possible

*This is not an application for coaching as our books are full

*Only 10 audit spaces available per week

7 of 10 audit slots booked in the last 2 hours

3 audit slots available


There's so much mis-information out there... it's confusing to know exactly what to do

And it's so hard to choose...

Bulk or Cut?

...if you make the wrong decision, you could waste 6-12 months going in the wrong direction with minimal progress

The reason it's so hard to choose? 👇🏼

You don't understand the 3 key variables that you need to.

Once you have clarity on these, the decision becomes very easy.

What is the audit about?

3 Key Variables...

We will talk through this on your call



Body Fat Levels

Your current body fat levels are the main determining factor. We will ask questions to assess this on the audit, and explain which direction would be best for you right now



Training Age

Your training age will HUGELY dictate the direction you should move in. Nothing worse than somebody with the perfect conditions for growth... that decides to waste the opportunity with a cut, and vice versa.



Body Type & Metabolism

We'll ask you some important questions about your body type to understand which route is best to go down... and help you understand how long your cut/bulk would need to be

*This usually explains why you may have struggled getting results in the past*

Who am I? Why should you listen?

Because our methodology works.

Helping driven men build a respectable body is what we do best.

During your audit we will share the secrets we use to build at least

10lbs of lean muscle mass

or torch 20-70lbs of unwanted body fat

for our clients every month

This is the same system I used personally to build 70lbs of muscle in just 4 years...

Most people only know how to get results by...

  • Taking steroids

  • Giving up their life to be a bodybuilder

  • Sacraficing time with friends/family

  • Eating foods they hate

  • Spending uneccessary hours in the gym

And even then the results are usually average...

We will teach you to get world class results whilst...

  • Staying Natural

  • Managing your busy schedule and social life

  • Being present with your friends and family

  • Eating foods that you love

  • Without spending countless hours in the gym for no reason

On top of that...

  • No advanced knowledge is needed to apply our system to your lifestyle - it's simple and it works

  • You will waste no more time in the gym with poor results

  • You'll finally get the results you deserve for the work you're putting in!

And we're giving this away for no cost!

Josh Roberts, 22

Warrington, UK

Josh achieved this insane transformation in 6 months using our bulking methodology. He gained 13lbs of lean muscle mass and dropped body fat at the same time!

Nathan Shephard, 27

London, UK

Nathan torched 20lbs of body fat and revealed all of the muscle he didn't know was there! He thought he needed to bulk first - but he just needed the knowledge and guidance...

Antoine Larsen, 26

Prescot, UK

Antoine went through a bulking phase first where he added lots of muscle mass. We then stripped all of the body fat and and revealed a CRAZY physique underneath - without sacraficing his social life.

This ad will stop running soon.

Don't wait around.

We get nothing from this and we're doing for 3 reasons:

  • Our books are full - but we want to help more men build a body that commands respect

  • I hate people selling mis-information online and intentionally tricking people for clicks - to line their own pockets. I want you to have the real information.

  • Selfishly - we know that we are going to deliver so much value on your audit call that some of you will decide to join our waiting list for coaching

So - if you want to...

  • Build a body that commands respect from other men - without opening your mouth

  • Drive your confidence through the roof and finally look in the mirror and feel proud

  • Remove the uncertainty and doubt from your training methods

Then here's what to do...

Book your free 15-min audit

With our expert coaching team - completely free - and find out the answers

The goal of the call is to run a quick 5-10 minute audit on your training, nutrition, and lifestyle habits - this along side your Survey answers will give us everything we need to know to advise you in the best manner

We will explain what sequence of bulking/cutting would be best for you, and help you see your blindspots on how you can make more progress straight away after the call

Calls are limited to 10 calls per week - because we're doing this for free.

7 of 10 audit slots booked in the last 2 hours

3 audit slots available


*No credit card needed